When the scale is going up, even when you’re hitting your macros!! (2 reasons why it probably isn’t fat)

Have you ever been frustrated with the scale?


My client was feeling annoyed this week too: 

I remember in my cut, I was in the same boat. 

I am working down to the 156s in my cut - and I saw 157.0 two days in a row. 

And then it jumped up to 159! 

After I nailed my macros for DAYS! 

What gives…

However, I know better than to overthink it. (Even though it still irks me, just like it annoys you!!)

Here’s why: 

  1. The average woman has 40-60 lbs of water in their body at ALL TIMES. This means that any changes (more carbs, more sodium, more soreness - more on that in this blog) in our bodies can change the way our body holds onto - or releases - water…which changes the scale, cause water is heavy. This is why tracking WEEKLY AVERAGE WEIGHT tells such a better story than daily weigh-ins on our weight loss journey. My client who asked the above question felt like she was gaining weight… but when we jumped into the data, her weekly average weight was actually going DOWN on the scale: watch this video to hear me explain

  2. It takes many, many days to lose 1 lb. As I explain in the video linked in #1 - it takes burning about 3000 calories (technically, 3500) to lose 1 lb. Let's say that most women are in a 200-600 daily calorie deficit, which means it will take 6-18 days to lose that next pound of fat. This also means that eating in a calorie deficit TODAY doesn’t likely impact the scale at for at least a week from nowwhich means that whatever you weigh tomorrow has little to do with what you ate today when it comes to actual fat loss (not just water retention)

Therefore, we have to zoom out when it comes to the scale. Even when it takes a lot of patience and self talk!! And I promise I'm on this journey right along side you. 


(Let me know if this was helpful by hitting me up in the comments below!!)


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