You know that …

“I know I should ‘eat healthy’ - but I really don’t feel like it, and honestly, it ruins my social life, because it’s so much effort and everyone else is just eating whatever they want.

Jeez, it’s hard to constantly rely on willpower… but also, dammit, I can’t stand looking in the mirror, let alone putting on a swimsuit & none of my clothes fit right, so I don’t even want to leave the house.

Thank god for leggings.”


If so… you’re in the right place.


You cannot imagine eating a donut and not feeling guilty

  • You feel a little bit of doom having to decide if you should “be good” or “be bad” every time you walk into a restaurant (and you’re just so sick of that little voice in your head judging you for your food decisions!!!)

  • You just want to feel in control of your diet for once and yet, every single weekend, you can’t help but eat everything in front of you.

  • You feel like you spend so much time plotting how you can finally get healthier and build new habits, but then you never seem to actually make it happen.

  • You want to enjoy family celebrations and life milestones - but being around fun foods drives you a little bit crazy, which takes away from the joy of the day every single time.

Do you relate?

Hi, I’m Julia

Former diet-obsessed & Class-Pass-addicted millennial…and current online nutrition coach who’s on a mission to help women (LIKE YOU!) break free from restrictive diets & get the body you want… without sacrificing your whole life in the process. 

After 10+ years of dieting (you name it, I tried it) with zero lasting results, I was fed up and honestly, kind of disgusted with myself! I was sick of feeling ashamed of my body.

I was spending so much time and money chasing “healthy” with no physical or mental results to speak of.

I finally decided to give a new way a chance &I took the time to:

  • understand my body

  • learn how my metabolism work &

  • practice mindfulness around food

  • create a diet that fit MY goals and MY preferences uniquely

… and my life has quite literally never been the same.

Today, I spend less time than ever before thinking about food (yes, even as an online nutritionist!!), and yet, I’m healthier (and leaner!) than I’ve ever been.

peep my credentials…

  • Former D-1 College Athlete

  • Macro Mentorship Certified Macro Coach

  • NCSF Certified Personal Trainer

  • Pure Programming Certification

  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition Certified Health Coach (in progress)

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist (in progress)

  • Introduction to Biomechanics Course (in progress)

    And, I’ve been where you are.

When I had my lightbulb moment, all I could think was:

“I gotta tell more women about this”

So … Eat More with Julia was born!

And my clients agree on two things:

They can eat more food than they ever thought possible

AND they don’t have to follow all those BS rules they used to obsess over!

… because of how we’ve created a custom approach to their nutrition which fits their UNIQUE lifestyle, while re-wiring their brains with the mindset needed to maintain their results for good

Hard to believe?

Well, I got some proof for you below & read their stories here, too!

  • "My mental health is in such a better place, which has helped me stick to exercise/sleep/nutrition habits that make me feel so great day to day. I am sleeping better, I'm moving my body more day to day, I have a great relationship with food, I'm happier at work and in my relationships, and I just trust myself more to know how to take the best care of myself. "


  • "I am way more comfortable in my skin now. I focus on my body less. I have built some really healthy habits around movement. My all or nothing mentality has been challenged and I am finally realizing that isn't necessary for success. Focusing on the big picture vs. one day has been such an important lesson for me. Not only do these things help with my health/wellness journey, but they apply to other areas of my life too. "


  • "I have to tell you that I have learned SO MUCH about myself with the macro and program guidance. Thank you for giving me the tools. I never realized how much I needed them or how easy it would be. It's honestly life changing. "


  • "You should consider working with Julia if you're looking for a coach who wants the best for you and works with you and your goals. She listens to what your goals are and gives you helpful ways to get there. She clearly loves what she does and knows her stuff so definitely consider working with her if you are looking for someone you can trust will give you her all."

    1:1 CLIENT

  • "The biggest impact to my life since starting 1:1 coaching has been my relationship with food and my body. She has helped me see what really matters and she's helped me tune into my body in ways that I haven't been able to before. I love how holistic she is. She has helped me build sustainable and lasting important habits that have helped me prioritize myself and it's been such a massive impact to my well-being."

    1:1 CLIENT

  • "I have a better understanding of what priorities are most important to focus on and I've learned how to trust myself to listen to my body to know what is feeling best. I have so much knowledge now on what I need individually to feel my best physically and mentally, and a much better understanding on how my own body works. I have zero food guilt or fear and my body image has improved SO much just because I feel so much more in sync with myself. "


  • "You are always there when I need you! You are so supportive, encouraging, and relatable. You always validate my feelings and help me work through any and all road blocks along the way. I think the number one thing that helped me was teaching me to zoom out and focus on my weekly averages. If I had a "bad" day and didn't hit one of my goals, I used to spiral. Since working with you, I am able to zoom out and remember that one day does not derail all of my progress."

    Description goes here

But wait, can I make a confession?

I want to be the last weight loss coach you ever hire.

(And no, not just because I want to beat my competitors!!)

Here’s the thing:

Eat More with Julia teaches you conscious self-accountability (which is mindset talk for: the ability to pause & notice your choices before they happen and before you do something you regret or that you don’t really even want to do).

And what that means to you is support that lasts a lifetime.

The real value is feeling the confidence and clarity to maintain your results (plus, your health & your sanity!!) without needing a 21-day fix every quarter… because you’ve created a body that you are proud of and you’ve built an approach to nutrition (the You Diet!!) that will stay with you forever.

This isn’t just one more diet… this is the beginning of the rest of your life & it just so happens to start with weight loss and end with you being in a body you’ll feel good in (even naked!)

So if that’s the sort of angel-on-your-shoulder coach who you need … one who carries you through the next 12 months, while giving you the strategy to carry yourself better for the next 42 years …

I am it for you.