How to reframe creating more time to prioritize your health

The other day, flying home from Cleveland, I told myself I should just take the MARTA city train into the suburbs instead taking an Uber home. 

An Uber is usually about $60 and 40 minutes… and taking the train into the suburbs & then a shorter Uber home would be $20 and about an hour and a half in time.  

I didn’t need to rush home, so I told myself that I’d take the train…

But then when I landed… I just couldn’t bear the thought of spending 2x the time and 1/2x the convenience, so then I called an Uber 

But here’s the thing: time IS money. 

In the time that I’d have still been on the train, I was already home, groceries from Instacart unpacked & my email inbox nearly empty. 

As an entrepreneur, maybe I’m able to see my hours more clearly as dollars, but I challenge you to consider where buying time in you life could multiply your results 

I often hear (and used to say!!):

“I don’t have enough time to be healthy”

… but do you have the means to get your time back to spend more time on your health?

What if you could trade the money or resources you DO HAVE… for MORE TIME?

What if you could create more time?

  • Could you do order ahead grocery pick up or grocery delivery?

  • Could you take a work call on a walk?

  • Could a walking pad fit under your desk?

  • Could you listen to health-centric podcast while you get ready for work or while you nurse?

  • Could you pay for a sitter a couple times a week so you can workout?

  • Could you trade babysitting with a neighbor so you both get hours back in your week, without paying a sitter?

  • Could you hire a nutrition coach, like me, to get your results faster?

Would faster and easier results be worth paying more money or resources upfront to get your TIME back? 

  • For me on Monday.. yes, I was willing to pay that $40 difference to get nearly an hour back of my time. 

  • For me this year, I was willing to invest in a business mentor to help me communicate better and help more women (in less time) who want to learn how to eat more

  • For me this summer, I was willing to invest in a 1:1 nutrition coach to help me clear out food noise and stop my second guessing to get more time back in my day to focus on family and work. 

I know I am blessed to the means to invest in getting MY TIME back - but I also value my time SO much. So it’s a fair trade in my book. And I’m coming out ahead. I choose to invest in making my time count.

Are you?


When the scale is going up, even when you’re hitting your macros!! (2 reasons why it probably isn’t fat)


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