I get it.

You’ve tracked macros before, you’ve tried every diet under the sun, you aren’t new to counting calories and you know that you should probably eat more protein…

And yet… you’re still looking for an answer, right?

Because none of it worked yet.

Because even though you’ve tried cutting sweets, you’ve tried cutting carbs, you’ve tried cutting fat… it never stuck.

I’ve got great news for you. There’s a better way!

Does this sound like you?

  • You spend hours each week thinking about better decisions in the kitchen… and yet still find yourself eating Goldfish out of the bag after dinner.

  • You go to countless workout classes every week and yet still feel like you don’t look like someone who works out.

  • You have a love-hate relationship with eating out because it’s fun & you hate cooking, but thinking about what to order without blowing your diet gives you anxiety.

  • You promise yourself once and for all that you’re giving up carbs.. and yet as soon as they’re in front of you at a party, you can’t control yourself as you reach for them.

  • You went on your first diet before you could even drink legally, and yet you’ve still been in a battle with your body image since then and have started to wonder if you’re just doomed to be unhappy.

If this feels like something you relate to, you’re in the right place.

Because the person I just described above?

That person was me. 

I spent my entire 20s fighting against my own body.

And don’t even ask me about how I used to act at social gatherings… they were always the ONLY time I let myself eat pizza, nachos, or brownies, and I would eat until I felt sick at every family gathering or holiday.

I had convinced myself that:

  • There was something wrong with me and I had weak willpower

  • My only option was to tell myself that food was “off limits” to avoid it

  • I couldn’t be trusted around sweets, salty snacks, processed food, or alcohol

  • There was nothing I could do to feel safe around food

  • I had no control over my response to food

  • Because I was addicted to food, I had to do high-intensity workouts every day

And yet, every damn time I “gave up a certain food”… it lasted about a week until Saturday came and I ate everything in sight, including what I vowed to give up forever. 

I was exhausted. I was disappointed. I was frustrated. I was disgusted at my own inability to just DO WHAT I PROMISED MYSELF I’D DO!

So finally, after realizing that I couldn’t live like that anymore, I decided to try a different approach.  I just couldn’t stand one more day of letting myself down. 

I traded cookie-cutter diets for a diet protocol designed uniquely for ME. And suddenly, it was so much more doable.

I was finally able to lose weight and keep it off… without being miserable or feeling like I was starving.

My body changed, but more importantly,

my Approach changed.

This transformation is possible for you too.

If you want to learn more about how you could have a diet designed for YOU uniquely, I invite you to apply at the link below, so we can set up a 20-minute discovery call so we can learn more about each other!

I get it…investing in a online nutrition coach is expensive, but botox, massages, and manicures are all acceptable forms of expensive self-care, shouldn’t support on your health journey be the same?

Here’s what you get as 1:1 client of Eat More with Julia:

  • 30 minute private onboarding call to discuss the program and discuss next steps with me

  • Fully custom nutrition roadmap when you begin

  • Super detailed (and personalized!) weekly tracking sheet, including success metrics, habit tracking, and weekly self-reflection questions

  • Weekly detailed check-in process every week to review the prior week and strategize on what’s working (and what isn’t)

  • Daily direct communication Monday through Friday with texts and voice notes

  • Option to have your food logs reviewed for feedback

  • Access to the Eat More Community, which includes live group video calls, a community of like-minded women, and 24/7 nutrition coaching.

If you’re ready to feel the best you ever have, now is the time.

I promise you that clicking the above isn’t a commitment to become a client, just a way for us to chat about your goals and determine if I’m the right coach for you.

And PS. I have limited space for new clients each month so act now!

  • "You might like 1:1 coaching if you are tired of yo-yo dieting, but completely confused about the whole macro counting lifestyle (which can seem very overwhelming). Julia does an amazing job explaining how each macro benefits you and why you need a balance of them all in your everyday life. I came into this process looking for physical changes but it has gone way beyond that! I have finally found food freedom and know how to fuel my body to meet my goals!"


  • "The biggest impact to my life since starting 1:1 coaching has been my relationship with food and my body. She has helped me see what really matters and she's helped me tune into my body in ways that I haven't been able to before. I love how holistic she is. She has helped me build sustainable and lasting important habits that have helped me prioritize myself and it's been such a massive impact to my well-being."


  • "You should consider working with Julia if you're looking for a coach who wants the best for you and works with you and your goals. She listens to what your goals are and gives you helpful ways to get there. She clearly loves what she does and knows her stuff so definitely consider working with her if you are looking for someone you can trust will give you her all."

    Coaching Client

  • "As someone who wants results of a quick fix, having feedback on my actions has helped me satisfy the itch for progress... the reminder that everything takes time has been so helpful to me!"


Here’s what will happen once you apply:


I’ll send you an email letting you know I received your application! I’ll share my calendar link if you want to set up a 20-minute discovery call!


Next, we’ll get on a call together and discuss what you’re struggling with today and what kind of support I could provide!


Before we get off the phone, we’ll agree on a start date 1-3 weeks in the future so you have plenty of time to prepare!


Finally, once we’re off the phone, I send over the details like our contract, payment information, and a detailed questionnaire so I can craft the best custom macros for you!

Are you ready to get started?


  • Not as often as you’d think! This ranges based on my clients goals, but I usually do not change your macros more than once a month. I make these changes based on biofeedback (how you’re feeling, how your energy is) and results (how clothes are fitting, measurements, scale weight). But change takes time, which is why you won’t see new macros often!

  • So many good things!! First you share any data you’re tracking (steps, workouts, macros, etc) with me, so I can provide feedback and help you interpret it. You also answer a variety of reflection questions so we can connect on your mindset and how you’re feeling in the process. The biggest piece of the check-in is me asking questions about what I’m seeing and reading so we can explore your progress together.

  • Nope!! But, I really do encourage it if you are on a body recomposition or fat loss journey. It is SO much fun to look back and see the changes, especially when they’re completely unrelated to the scale!

  • Nope! This is completely up to you and my clients never feel pressured to do so. We can talk more about this in our discovery call if you’d like to hear how I approach it with other clients, and times when I do recommend it and times when I don’t!

  • Nope! I work with many clients on habit-based coaching instead. While macros can be a helpful tool, it’s actually not the only way to bring awareness to how our nutrition affects our health. My goal is to offer you a range of options when you decide to work with me, though many of my clients do choose to track at least protein!

  • 1:1 coaching is $325 per month and I ask all my clients to commit for at least 24 weeks when they begin with me. 1:1 coaching is the most intimate offering I have and I get to work with you day by day to reach your goals.

  • You have access to me on an app called Voxer every weekday (Monday to Friday) where you can send me questions and voice notes! My clients reach out about all kinds of things, ranging from “I just PR’ed on my deadlift!!” to “How should I track this meal I ate at a restaurant?”

  • Nope!!! As a 1:1 client, I want any and all of your questions to feel addressed, no matter what it is. You will have as much access and support as desired.

  • Oof, this is always the hard part with something new, right? I can’t really guarantee that it will work for anyone - but that’s because I cannot determine your ability to commit to this process today. I will say that every single one of my clients that was ready to put in the mindset work and practice new habits to create change in their lives has succeeded. It can be an emotional and trying journey at times, but that’s exactly why I see so much value in having a coach - I get to be the person who helps you get through those moments, so you feel able to come out on the other side of struggles feeling more aligned to the person you want to come.

I have helped 100+ women create a diet that works uniquely for THEM.

The next success story could be YOU!

I’ve been in your shoes! I restricted myself around food for over a decade, but it finally became too much. I was obsessing over food on a daily basis and still couldn’t help but overeat every time I found myself in front of whatever food I’d deemed forbidden.

I was sick of letting myself down. As a prior college athlete, I felt so much shame that I just couldn’t figure it out.

But then I found macro counting and flexible dieting and my life has - quite literally - never been the same. It felt too good to be true. I was eating sweets and bread on a weekly basis and maintaining my weight? 

It felt like a dream. 

And Eat More with Julia was born.

I became a certified online health coach and personal trainer and set out on my mission to bring this sense of unbridled joy and contentment to every woman who would listen.

Women, just like you.

Here’s the thing: nothing is going to change… if nothing changes.

What if instead of one more crazy diet, you tried giving up restriction, giving up the harsh rules, and giving up off-limits foods?

What if instead, you focused on adding protein, adding fiber, and adding self-compassion? Maybe this holistic approach to macro coaching could be for you?

I promise you this is the better way.