Scale fluctuations & getting comfortable at maintenance

During the summer, so many of my clients choose to try maintenance (many for the VERY FIRST time). 

I was revisiting this FAQ video & I wanted to share it with you too: HERE.

**FYI - I recorded this video last summer, so I mention a current goal, so it was a 2023 goal 🙂


After years and years of wanting to lose weight every single day… it can feel so different to expect it to stay the same and actually take a break from begging to see a lower number every day.


But in order to get used to something new… We have to try it out. 

Something I preach to all my clients is: EXPERIMENTATION.

You couldn’t learn to play the guitar by reading a book about music theory. 

So in order to learn what it’s like to get comfy with the scale staying the same day to day (and the freedom and peace that may come with it!!)... we have to try it. 

Plain as that. 

Give it a go and see what comes up. 

Replace worry with curiosity:

  • What if eating more and trying maintenance actually allowed you to feel better than ever before?

  • What good could be on the other side of taking a break from the never-ending goal of weight loss?

  • What if you could finally PR in the gym or beat your mile time by finally fueling your body for a season and taking a brief break from fat loss?

PS. Let me know if you have experimented with maintenance recently… how did it go? Tell me in the comments!

PPS. When I talk about the scale staying the same… I really mean that your weekly average weight stays about the same!! Daily identical weigh ins are unlikely for most women!

PPPS. Do you need help navigating scale fluctuations and weight loss? Apply for 1:1 coaching - I have just 2 spots open for August!


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