Where to start with getting healthier:


There’s this BIG ‼️ lie in health that ALL THE THINGS are required to “be healthy”

It’s just not true

You may be surprised to find that the smallest things could be making the biggest difference in how you feel

1 glass of water
1 full night’s sleep
1 meal full of whole foods
1 long walk
1 workout class
1 deep breath
1 hug from a loved one
…could change how you feel in your body

That’s it.

1 action
1 move
1 thing
… is standing between you and feeling 1% better, 1% more energized, and 1% calmer

As a health coach, the most fun part of my job is seeing the light in my clients’ eyes change when they realize it can be simpler than they ever thought

They realize they can feel better than they ever expected.

Are you counting yourself out?
➡️Because you can’t workout 4x a week, you’re like “why workout at all?”
➡️Because you can’t eat whole foods at all your meals, you’re like “why bother with one?”
➡️Because you can’t get 10k steps a day, you’re like “why try at all?”

I dare you to decide today to change the way you think about that. ONE choice is enough to shift how you feel today and it’s worth it ❤️❤️

Share this with a friend who needs this reminder too 😘

And tell me below what 1 thing you’ll do today to feel better in your body!!


High-Protein Brie-Stuffed Chicken Breasts


Do your habits match your goals?