Do your habits match your goals?
What actually works?
All throughout my 20s, I was convinced that I just needed to find the perfect supplement, the perfect green powder, the perfect diet pill, and then suddenly I would be able to lose the weight
I had BIG “goals” and envisioned becoming a person so unlike my present self
I was working out 5 to 6 days a week and going to fitness classes all the time and yet I felt like my body just wasn’t changing and I wasn’t seeing the results of my hard work
I was puzzled and frustrated and I was at a moment where I felt like I would spend any amount of money to feel less crazy, and like getting the results I wanted, was actually possible
But I was also sleeping inconsistently, drinking 5 days a week, eating fast food all the time, and generally treating my body with ZERO respect.
So finally, I realized that it wasn’t the supplements that was the problem .. it was the habits and the fact that I kept end up in calorie surplus (and my habits were crap!) 😅
I needed my BEHAVIORS to match the OUTCOMES I wanted…
We cannot control the OUTPUTS…. but we can control the INPUTS.
And the inputs CREATE the outputs.
So if your goal is your output… what is the input you need to make it happen?
Our habits = our inputs
Here’s what changed for me when I finally realized I could control my inputs:
➡️ increased my sleep
➡️ increased my fiber intake
➡️ increased my protein intake
➡️ larger, more intentional meals
➡️ more strength training, less random workouts
➡️ using macro counting as a tool for ensuring I was getting the right amount of calories
And these changes…. they changed everything
And now, as a holistic online nutrition coach… this is what I teach all my 1:1 clients.
Do the outcomes you want actually match the habits you’re living?
What’s been the hardest habit for you to adopt?