Body acceptance… is it possible for you? (plus, 4 journal prompts)

In a world that orients around and never being complacent & never settling, we’ve somehow decided that our bodies need to be a representation of some sort of lofty accomplishment… and to just be “content” with our bodies is a sin. I don’t agree with that!

As someone who’s been 5’8 since middle school, I’ve always really struggled with size and my body. I always felt too tall, too big, too much. Just existing felt hard sometimes when I was so at odds with my body. 

In the last 2 years, I’ve finally started talking TO my body - instead of at my body - when it comes to pursuing health, and I can tell you it’s made a world of difference in how much pride and satisfaction that I have in my body. 

“Body positivity” isn’t where I aim anymore… instead I think about body neutrality. Accepting that I’m still working through the daily pressures of pop culture and diet culture - WHILE still nurturing and fueling my body with respect and observing ALL the amazing things that my body does for me. I’ve come to see that I can appreciate my body today and still have aesthetic goals for the future.

It can be a “YES, I want to improve something, AND I can accept/appreciate what is here today.

This sounds like….

🧡 I want to get stronger, AND I see the strength and power I already have today

🧡 I want to experiment with being more toned, AND I know that my value as a human doesn’t come from size

🧡 I want to see progress in the gym, AND I know that my PRs do not define my identity

🧡 I want to choose nutrient-dense food, AND I know that the joy I get from eating sweets is healthy for me too sometimes

Both can be true!! We can be a work in progress and perfectly imperfect as we are today. 

If you’re struggling with this journey right now, I want you to journal on these questions:

1️⃣ What do I love about myself that has nothing to do with my body?

2️⃣ What does my body do for me on a daily basis? What activities do I love that my body allows me to do (that have nothing to do with my looks)?

3️⃣ What triggers my body negativity most often? Do I have the choice to be around that thing less?

4️⃣ How would it feel to consider listening to my body, instead of trying to control it?

Save this for next time you get in your head about body acceptance & need a reminder that it IS possible! And that sometimes, it may just look like body neutrality too. I also liked this opinion piece in TIME about what body neutrality looks lie.

Did you have any breakthroughs? Let me know in the comments!


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