How I lost 15 LBS in the last 18 months

If I wanted to lose 15 lbs again (like I have in the last 18 months) - here’s what I’d do again >>>

(And exactly what I teach the women in my Health Accelerator program - which starts next Monday, June 19!!


1. Learn the basics about my metabolism from a professional coach (no fat loss burner pills here y’all) - just the cold hard truth about protein fats and carbs + sleep, steps and movement (HERE’S A VIDEO SNEAK PEEK TOO - warning: this is from our science-y module)

2. Learn how much energy (aka calories) my body needs based on my activity, my size, and what types of food I enjoy (hi, macros, & YES I will teach you how to calculate these for yourself) to keep me feeling satisfied (yay, science!) 

And don’t forget - fat loss and weight loss aren’t the same. This video explains that!!

3. Learn about mindfulness practices for meal times (and snacks times), so that I was able to be adherent to my diet protocol, while having more physical and emotional satisfaction (don’t skip this ‼️)

4. Make everything an experiment …. so I can create evidence of what IS working best FOR ME … I’d test things like: a higher protein diet, a higher fiber diet, getting more water, improving sleep quality -> and then see if these things worked for me and how!! And I’d discard whatever didn’t make a difference to focus on the things that are moving the needle

5. Expose my unhelpful thoughts around food and diet to uncover the untruths that my subconscious has me believing so I stop getting in my own way ‼️‼️

If you want help with these 5️⃣ things… I can help!! The Health Accelerator, my group nutrition program starts a week from TODAY (and there’s still several spots left!!)


Recipe: Oreo Overnight Oats


Body acceptance… is it possible for you? (plus, 4 journal prompts)