3 things I wouldn’t do if I wanted to lose weight

As an online nutritionist who’s helped over 50+ women lose weight without being miserable, here are the three things I preach to everyone I meet!

1️⃣ cut out my favorite foods

If your new diet doesn’t include what you love, it just simply won’t be sustainable

Think about what’s what’s really worth it to you and include these fun foods *regularly* in your diet - this is actually a concept called “food habituation” and it helps you take these foods off the pedestal they’re on so you feel less out of control around them

Being in calorie deficit can happen even with our favorite treats! 

2️⃣ do a workout program I hate

You just won’t do it. 

Human brains are smart as hell 🧠 genius little excuse machines, so if you HATE IT, you will find a way to convince yourself to not do that workout every single damn day!! So we can’t have that.

Find something you enjoy and do it 3-5 times a week

Here are a few I love!!

  • Evlo Fitness (at home video based resistance training)

  • Kara Duval Pilates (at home video based strength and pilates style)

  • Built to Last (4 day gym based weight lifting program - use LYNCH5 to save $5!!) - I do this program

PS. You can absolutely lose weight without doing any exercise - but I recommend movement because it helps balance blood sugar, increase body confidence, and overall wellbeing - these things support mental health on your weight loss journey!

3️⃣ keep all my goals to myself

The #1 difference maker in long term success in the lives of me and my clients is a support system 

It’s really hard to survive bad days when you’re relying on just yourself. 

Tell a friend, join an online community, hire a coach! If you’re looking for ideas… Right now, enrollment is open for my 8-week group coaching program until June 19, 2024. Learn more here! OR if you’d like more personal 1:1 attention and guidance, apply for 1:1 coaching today!!


Body acceptance… is it possible for you? (plus, 4 journal prompts)


What is in your control and what isn’t? (a journal prompt)