5 Things to Consider When Pre-Logging Your Macros Feels Hard AF

Can I be honest… this topic comes up SO much with my clients as a holistic macros coach.

Recently, I had a client say “pre-logging just seems like such an inconvenience and I find myself getting derailed most days

Counting macros is like learning a new language… it’s actually not easy at first… did you feel like it was easy to ride a bike the first time you did it??

(And I do have a free masterclass on this topic if you’re looking for tactical help!!)

But in this blog: I want to give you FIVE ideas to consider because we’re not just changing our habits… getting heathy is also about re-wiring our brain & our expectations.

So here are the things to consider if you’re feeling like every day of normal life is derailing your macro counting journey.


  1. When we have specific goals, there will be more trade-offs. Acceptance of that is helpful. 😩 It’s hard to “have our cake and eat it too” 100% of the time, which can absolutely be the most frustrating part of all! Going out to eat can be trickier and we may not get to be as “ free.” Specific goals require specific behaviors. Finding balance (that infamous 80/20) feels good and is so worth it - but it does require saying no to some thing in order to say yes to something else… part of the mindfulness can be exploring “what do I want right now versus what does future me want?” 

  2. If someone asks you to hang last minute - could you suggest a different day so you can plan for it better, or a different activity so you can stick to your goals? There are absolutely opportunities that are worth prioritizing over our fat loss goals… But when it happens really regularly, I’d reflect on what really IS the biggest priority!! I have actually worked with clients that have started with me in a diet, and then realized with time… that they actually didn’t care about losing weight like they thought, because they realized what they would have to give up to get it!!

  3. I like to think about pre-logging as increasing my convenience instead of taking it away… Imagine that you are creating a custom meal plan for yourself every day based on what you actually have access to what you want to eat! When you follow close to the plan, the next day, you know you will be reaching your goals!! That can be a good feeling? Taking some of the decision making away and just riding the plan!! 

  4. As for a tactical approach, a lot of my client will pre-log 75% of the day and make sure it accounts for protein and fiber (the stuff that’s harder to hit “on accident”)- but then leave 25% of the calories for last-minute decisions or opportunities!! That might help you feel less constricted?!

  5. Finally, I encourage you to get curious about the word convenient! Getting healthy or choosing to pursue weight loss isn’t necessarily going to be a convenient path? When we expect new goals and new habits to fit conveniently, it can be a recipe for disappointment, because it’s uncomfortable at first to create lasting change!! One perspective is that it may be self compassionate to consider that it IS inconvenient right now, and we should expect it to be, but that it will be worth it to your long-term goals??

Is this helpful? Comment below and let me know!


The More Mindful Podcast is ALMOST HERE!


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