6 Reasons Why Walking is Something I Recommend to Everyone


It’s not necessarily sexy. 

It’s not exclusive.

It doesn’t cost a lot of money (ITS FREE)

But it’s honest to goodness, the very best thing you can do for you if you want to kick start your health journey. 

Hand to bible 📚-> increasing my steps changed my ability to lose & maintain my weight AND it makes me feel so so good

The benefits of walks?

🎉 BURNS CALORIES! Walking requires muscle contractions and when you’re in motion, your body uses energy. The cool thing about this sort of calorie expenditure is that it usually doesn’t spike your appetite like high impact exercise can!

🎉 MOOD ENHANCING! Seriously I will give you $10 if a walk doesn’t improve your mood!

🎉 INSULIN SENSITIVITY! When we move our body has more opportunities to utilize the glucose floating around in our bodies via this activity!

🎉 STRESS REDUCTION! See point 1!

🎉 IMPROVES CARDIO! Depending on how fast you walk, it also has a range of benefits to heart health!

🎉 IMPROVE BALANCE! Did you know when you take a step, you’re technically balancing on the other foot for a quick moment in time?

So share this with a friend who needs a reminder that walking CAN absolutely be life-changing (the cheapest medicine you’ve ever had!!)


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