How to increase your metabolism with weight lifting

Can I tell you something?

The answer is: EATING ENOUGH… and let me tell you why!

You want to know the reason why strength training can increase your metabolism? (yes meaning you can eat more in the future!!!) 

➡️➡️ it’s because strength training creates muscle mass and muscle tissue burns more calories than fat!!

You know what happens to people that lift weights but aren’t eating enough???

➡️➡️ their bodies don’t have enough energy to create muscle mass 🤯🤯

No energy = no increased muscle mass = no faster metabolism (oh no, right!?)

(**And by the way, there are many OTHER reasons lifting is great for your all-around health, besides the ability to eat more, though many of the benefits are also because of the additional muscle mass!!)

The reason we need to eat enough to build muscle mass is that it TAKES ENERGY to create new muscle tissue 

Food = energy

If your body doesn’t have excess energy after doing all the life things every day… it can’t build muscle (this is why building muscle in a cut isn’t possible unless you’re BRAND NEW to strength training!!)

Without enough energy… your body can’t build muscle!! 🤯🤯

Don’t you want your gym time to get you the results you’re after?


EPISODE 005: Help! The scale is up 10 lbs (after I didn’t step on it for months)! Now what?


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