Recipe: High-Protein Buffalo Chicken Dip for One

After realizing how much I loved the viral cottage cheese pizza bowl, I had to try it with more flavors: enter buffalo sauce!

Let me tell you know. I’ve never met a recipe with Frank’s Buffalo Sauce that I didn’t like. I am obsessed with Frank’s and honestly, the amazing thing about hot sauce is that it’s usually like 0 calories so it’s a great addition during a cut when you don’t have as much room for oils and sauces.

This delivered, y’all.

Not that I doubted it… but it’s nice to have it confirmed, ya know.

And easy, high-protein dinners are my love langauge, so it was a slam dunk.

Here’s what you’re gonna do to re-create it!

Dip Base:

  • 1/2 cup of 4% cottage cheese (I ran out of 2%, so you could do that too to save a few calories(

  • 1-2 tablespoons Frank’s Buffalo Sauce

  • 60 grams of non-fat greek yogurt (make sure it’s well mixed or strain it so it’s not water-y)

  • 1 tsp cayenne, if you want it extra spicy

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • 3 oz cooked shredded chicken (or amp it up to 4oz for even more protein!)

Toppings (pick whatever cheese you love!)

  • 10 grams blue cheese

  • 10 grams cheddar cheese


  • Mix all the dip ingredients in a microwave safe bowl

  • Once mixed, put the cheese on top

  • Microwave for ~90 seconds

    Note: I added homemade pita chips on the side and sliced cucumber! Could also be eaten with tortilla chips or fresh bread (or eaten alone!!). I love celery with buffalo chicken dip too!!

PS. This is added in Lose It! under the name “Eat More with Julia Cottage Cheese Buffalo Chicken Dip for One”

buffalo chicken dip, high-protein, pita chips, cucumbers, high protein meals


Serving size: the whole bowl

Calories: 357

Protein: 50 grams

Carbs: 6.5 grams

Fiber: 0.3 grams

Fat: 14.1 grams

Note: the pita & cucumbers are not included in macros - I recommend choosing a higher fiber side dish to amp up that fiber count!


Diet Rules I Hate #1: Don’t Drink Your Calories


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