Is wanting to lose weight always “diet culture?”?


You are allowed to want to lose weight 

You are an independent human being with complete body autonomy over YOUR body (and you only get one of them!!) 

This is your reminder that it is OKAY to want to lose weight. 

  • Just like you can wear pink lipstick or red. 

  • And you can get botox or skip it. 

  • And you can dye your hair red or just stay natural. 

Diet culture is toxic (thinner is NOT always better) - but in some ways, it’s gone too far to say that it’s wrong to want to change your body composition.

So if you’ve been searching for permission change your body weight: YOU HAVE IT FROM ME!

BUT - I need to ask you: *why* do you want to lose weight?

MY WHY? Cause I’m curious. I want to see what I’m capable of. And I want to do something I’ve never done before. I see body re-composition as a sport! (I also wanted to get my body fat percentage into a healthier range, that was my first why - and I’ve already achieved that part!!!)

Now your turn to examine your weight loss why:

  • What are the actual reasons?

  • Will it change your life for the better?

  • How will it do that?

  • Will it change your ability to be more YOU?

  • How will it do that?

Because here’s the thing I’ve found in losing 15 lbs over the last 18 months: losing weight won’t make you instantly happy. 

  • I still have anxiety. 

  • I still have imposter syndrome. 

  • I still have self doubt. 

  • I still have days that I don’t feel attractive. 

  • I still have days that I’m insecure in my clothes.

  • My negative emotions are still there. 

And I don’t say this to be negative… but I want YOU to dig deep and decide why weight loss is right for you. Weight loss is not the solution to all of life’s problems. It’s just not... Because we can change the outside with a calorie deficit - but if you need inside work too, that doesn’t come from macro counting alone.

For me? That inside stuff has been therapy, more time with friends, opening up to family, more downtime, outdoor sports, yoga and meditation.  Do these reasons surprise you?

Share with a friend who needs this reminder too!

PS. If you could use some support on your weight loss journey to find your why and make it stick, let’s work together!!


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