EPISODE 009: How can I make sure that the scale goes down tomorrow?


In this episode, Julia discusses how to prevent the scale from going up and the importance of fair expectations in weight loss, including how  "a new low on the scale is usually a preview of what's to come when you stay the course."

She explains why daily weigh-ins are irrelevant and how the scale is not a measure of fat loss in the short term - but instead, how to use your daily weigh ins to read a pattern and trend in your weight loss journey long-term.

Instead, she encourages listeners to focus on making decisions that align with their long-term goals and to think about the inputs they can control, such as nutrition and habits. 

She also introduces the concept of future self-thinking and how it can help in making choices that serve our future selves.

"We are setting ourselves up for disappointment when we think we can control the scale. We cannot control the scale."

Here’s some takeaways from the AI robot that reviewed my transcript:

  • Daily weigh-ins are irrelevant and do not accurately reflect fat loss in the short term.

  • Focus on making decisions that align with long-term goals rather than trying to control the scale.

  • Take ownership of the inputs you can control, such as nutrition and habits.

  • Practice future self-thinking to make choices that serve your future self and lead to long-term success.

What were your biggest takeways?


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