Breaking the Cycle: How She Ate More & Lost the Weight

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle, constantly trying to fix yourself but getting nowhere? Like it's Groundhog Day—reliving the same pattern of bingeing, restricting, and feeling like you’re failing every week?

You’re not alone. So many people struggle with this, and it’s exhausting. My client Hanna felt the exact same way. She was tired of trying every diet and always feeling like nothing worked. But something shifted for her, and it’s been a game-changer.

The Turning Point

When Hanna and I started working together 8 weeks ago, she was fed up.

She told me,

“I am tired of struggling with my weight journey with very little success. I want to feel better about myself and of course learn how to drop some pounds the right way. I would lose and then just regain it. Being on track 70-80% of the time and then blowing it.”

Sound familiar? This cycle of gaining and losing, always feeling like you’re taking one step forward and two steps back, can feel like a never-ending battle. But H was ready to try something different.

The New Strategy: Eating More for Your Goals

We shifted her focus from restriction and over-exercising to eating more for her goals. Instead of constantly fighting her cravings and cutting calories, she started nourishing her body with balanced meals that supported her metabolism and energy levels.

And guess what? It worked.

After just 5 weeks, Hanna shared:

“I don’t have to be perfect and… I’m seeing my scale move in a way that I’ve not seen it move for years and I’m not even really trying, but I feel like it’s the whole mindset of food and how you think about it and how you feel before and after eating that has changed [things]… I’m trying to be in maintenance, but my scale keeps kind of going down so I’m like, I’ll take it.”

Without obsessing over every meal, without restricting or depriving herself, Hanna was finally seeing the results she had been chasing for years.

What If It Could Be This Simple?

Imagine seeing the scale move while feeling freer and less stressed about food than ever before.

What if you could break the binge-restrict cycle for good and actually enjoy the process of reaching your goals?

It’s possible, and it starts with letting go of the idea that you have to be perfect to see progress. Like Hanna, you can nourish your body, focus on the big picture, and still see results without all the stress and struggle.

The key is to stop fighting against your body and start working with it.

This is the exact philosophy inside my Eat More Community Membership - learn more here!!

Eating more—strategically and mindfully—can help fuel your metabolism, stabilize your energy, and finally move you toward your goals. So, if you’re sick of feeling stuck, it might be time to try something new.

What if you could reach your goals without feeling like you're constantly working on yourself?

The answer might be simpler than you think.


The Truth About Eating More