6 things that make the scale go up that aren’t fat gain!
We’ve all been there, right?
Feeling like you’re doing EVERYTHING right and then you get on the scale and it’s up 2 lbs?? What the heck!!!
But did you know… the average female has 40 - 60 lbs of water in her body at all times?! That’s bigger than most kettle bells you’re using in the gym.
This is why we may see a big ol’ fluctuation after our routine is a little off.
So here are the reasons that may be causing the scale to rise - and it isn’t gaining fat!
🏋️♀️ Intense workouts:
Heavy lifting or intense cardio creates wear and tear on our bodies which can lead to inflammation and swelling in the areas that are worn out. This is totally normal and usually will fade in a couple days.
🍔 Eating at restaurants:
HELLLLO sodium. Restaurants want their food to taste good so they load up the salt but guess what? Salt has no calories so no need to freak out. Plus, cheap cooking oils can create digestive distress, too, which may lead to some water retention in the gut. This usually will fade in several days time (unless you eat out daily in which case it may persist)
🍸 Drinking alcohol:
Alcohol dehydrates us which can cause our bodies to hold onto more water as it's trying to make up for that (also when you have late night snacks post-alcohol, that can lead to more food in your body which also may lead to a heavier weight on the scale)
🩸 Approaching your period:
Due to the hormone progesterone, women tend to see an increased scale weight before their menstrual cycle begins. Progesterone causes the body to hold onto more sodium and water. Women also crave salty food during this time which can also contribute!
🚽 Haven’t gone to the bathroom yet:
Yes, I mean #2… it takes up space in your body and if it hasn’t left yet… it’s going to contribute to mass on the scale. If you’re struggling to make a bowel movement at least daily, this could be a sign to increase hydration and potentially fiber, too.
🛌 Poor sleep:
When you don’t get adequate recovery, the body can become inflamed. In my research, I came across numerous reasons why this could be, ranging from hormonal disruptions within your circadian rhythm to cortisol increases in your gut. No matter what it is for you… know that low sleep quality may mean more water retention and bloating!
So then what do I do when it happens?!
First of all, one weigh-in doesn’t tell the whole story. I recommend tracking average weekly weight if you use weight as a data point.
You also have NO obligation to weigh in if you’re worried these factors and this water retention will bug you!! Just don’t step on the scale after these occasions, that’s fine too. Wait a few days!!
And if you find that you are consistently feeling bloated or uncomfortable, review this list and consider if any of these things may be happening on the reg for you, keeping you in a constant state of discomfort. Maybe examine if you may feel better making a permanent lifestyle change! Of course, persistent and painful bloating can also be a good reason to check in with your doctor!