5 ways I am staying on track while traveling to a wedding this weekend

So you want to get healthy and make habit changes but then you think to yourself: “I AM SO BUSY!”

“SO what do I do when I’m traveling, Julia??” - I hear this a lot & I get it!!

Being away from home can be challenging during a diet phase especially! We want to control the inputs and get a sense of if we’re remaining in a deficit but sometimes, life happens and we just have to do the best we can!

I am going to a wedding this weekend (my future BIL and SIL!!). I want to enjoy it - and I don’t want to throw in the towel.

My coach reminded me to adjust my expectations. This week may not be as successful as others in this diet phase and that’s okay. I can’t control as much this week so the outcome may vary. But I can control my intentions and align my decisions to my values and how I want to feel at the end of this weekend.

I am heading into Week 2-ish of my deficit phase (post-diet break)… and I’ll be away from home for 3 days!!

Am I gonna just give up? NOPE.

I’m gonna do these 5 things:
❤️ reach for protein at every meal
❤️ drink as much water as I can (bringing my Stanley)
❤️ eat fruits and veggies when they are available
❤️ move my body (likely morning walks!)
❤️ track to the best of my ability (my clients know I call this B+ tracking!!)

These days are tricky. Even as a seasoned macro tracker, this isn’t a perfect recipe for success during my cut - but I know that imperfect action can still support positive outcomes ‼️

Even if I end up closer to maintenance during these five days on accident (because we can’t really know how much we’re eating when we eat out often), protein, water, movement & fruit are absolutely good for my mental and physical well-being anyway. It’s not just about fat loss ☺️ IT IS ABOUT FEELING GOOD IN MY SKIN!!!

We all can get so tied up in scale results - but this is an opportunity for me to simply focus on taking care of me while I’m traveling and being okay with that 🤗

What are your traveling non-negotiables?


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