Quit starting over every Monday, once and for all
You’re tired of second-guessing:
Am I doing something wrong?
Why do I feel so crazy around food?
Do other people feel this out of control?
Why does it seem easier for her?
Get ready to say goodbye to overwhelm & confusion —and say hello to clarity & results that last!
I get it, I really do. You're tired of busting your ass in the gym and kitchen with no results to show for it…
Does this sound like you?
“I always feel triggered about not being the “fun girl” when I’m trying to not drink as much or eat healthy.”
“When I get stressed out or over stimulated and have cravings. I wonder if they will ever go away and then I’m scared to give in to a craving and feel like I failed.”
“I just really hate this vicious cycle of tracking religiously, working out every day, and really trying my best - but then, not seeing any the results in the mirror, which in turn affects my mental health. Then I give up.”
“I'm tired of trying to lose weight on my own. I know that I am not kind to myself and say things I would NEVER say to other people about their body. I just need a change and I'm tired of blaming my lack of weight loss on age, my medication for anxiety, or stress.”
“When do I feel worst? When I’m calorie counting… because it sucked. Cutting out dairy, alcohol, and gluten, too, because, well, also it sucked”
What if YOU could be the friend who everyone says “has a naturally fast metabolism”?
Even though you know it hasn’t always been that way!!
If this sounds like you & this is what you want … you’re in the right place.
It is exactly what the You Diet™ LIVE is designed to help you do.
You Diet™ LIVE
This program is designed for women like you, who have tried literally everything & are still sitting here wondering “how the eff doesn’t anyone make this work long term?”
Treat yourself to the angel-on-your-shoulder accountability buddy that you need to make maintaining your habits a breeze this summer
You don’t need another boring meal plan
You need a simple, doable skillset that makes it easier to be that healthy girl you aspire to be, without putting more on your plate (pun intended!!) as a busy friend, employee, wife & mom!!
Instead of taking one step forward & two steps back with your next crash diet…
let me help YOU accelerate forward into the life & health you’re craving
By the end of this program, you will learn…..
what actually makes your metabolism faster so you can spend less time wasting time and more time getting the results you want
why some foods help you stay on track - and other foods derail you every dang weekend
how to set your own macros - to lose weight or to maintain it - so you don’t have to rely on a coach forever
how to coach yourself through self-sabotage & survive bad days, so you can stick to your diets longer and see better results
how to stop tracking macros one day and transition to more "intuitive" - or informed - eating
The next round starts February 2025
What members are saying…..
For example: in a recent study, when a group of research participants ate a designed (calorie controlled) meal more slowly - in 24 minutes instead of eating quickly in 6 minutes- they saw a greater suppression of the appetite-increasing hormones AND they ate 25% less calories in a meal 3 hours later (this meal was not calorie controlled).
(Source: Metabolism Made Simple. 106)
What if you’ve simply been approaching it all wrong?
You need less willpower to lose weight than you think.
What you do need is a set of tools and skills to help you naturally:
reduce appetite
manage cravings, &
increase your metabolism
so you can stick to your diet (and maintain your weight loss) once and for all…
This is about MORE than just calories!
Heather’s Story
“I actually lost weight on vacation for the first time in my life...”
Listen to Heather’s story about how changing her approach changed her results… in a way that she’d never experienced before - even when she wasn’t perfect on vacation!
The Method: Building Your You Diet
The You Diet Method: What you’ve been looking for
Part 1: Why traditional goal-setting doesn’t work
Discover what's really standing between you and your goals - and it's not what you think. This first part will transform how you approach what you want most, helping you create lasting change instead of endless cycles of trying and giving up. Prepare to get to know yourself better so that the rest of the method can work for YOU.
Part 2: Why yo-yo dieting doesn’t work
Uncover the real reason your body responds the way it does to dieting - and why everything you've been told about 'sticking to the plan' might be working against you. What you learn here will completely shift how you think about your metabolism and finally explain why willpower and strict rules aren't the answer you've been looking for - and how to make your metabolism work FOR you finally.
Part 3: Why strict diets don’t work
Uncover the hidden mental triggers that turn most diets into a self-defeating cycle, and discover a liberating approach that finally breaks this pattern. What you learn here will revolutionize how you think about “rules being helpful” - and why the path to lasting results looks different than what someone told you to do on Instagram.
Part 4: Why calorie counting doesn’t work long-term
Discover why obsessing over just calories might be the very thing holding you back from long-term success. Learn a powerful, personalized approach that puts you in control of your nutrition - forever. No more purchasing temporary solutions or following someone else's numbers! Macros can be approachable and you’ll learn in this final part!
What you get:
5 Modules with 5-10 videos each covering a variety of topics that will help you go from "wtf" to "I got this"
Including a module on setting your OWN macros, so you can keep making progress without working with a coach forever.
Plus, a multi-step framework to start experimenting with new health tactics to determine if they work for you and your body
And finally, a totally custom weekly tracker to monitor your daily mindfulness, hunger levels, and macros
I know what your thinking: "Can't I learn all of this for free on Instagram"... but you won't find it laid out this simply or as easily implementable - save yourself hours of endless let-me-figure-this-out-on-my-own time
Including discussion time, so you can get accountability on the goals you're setting and achieving from the group!
Plus - 4 accountability calls for meal planning and preparation accountability… it’s not just about the macros!!
This isn't just a "here's the answers, good luck" online course... The Health Accelerator is about holding your hand through the process and creating a community of women - just like you - to learn from and lean on
You get access to my client portal with over 25+ past live coaching calls, plus NEW for Febraury, a text & video based messaging app (Voxer) will help us stay in touch throughout the course of program so you can connect with me AND your fellow group mates on weekly intentions, recipes you’re loving and where you need help!
Have you ever thought: "Hearing from people like me, who are “normal” (for lack of a better term) is so helpful. Like fitness isn’t my full time job- I want to make it fit into my life and make my life better." This is why creating a community of women just like YOU is a part of this program - not just me talking at you and telling you what to do, but really learning from each other too
Hear about why you should join (in the words of my past clients):
Working through Julia’s program has been so eye-opening for me! I love how she knows all the science behind the nutrition/metabolism/macros parts and can explain it at an understandable level, and the how’s/whys to make sense for WHY for macros. I keep marveling at how she teaches it is exactly how they should be teaching mindful eating in schools from day one! It just makes so much sense! And is an amazing wake-up call and answer as a 35yo mom still trying to figure out how to listen to my body and fuel it well. Love how relatable Julia is, gives really good real/life examples and hacks and keeps everything do-able! Consistency is so key!!
This just makes sense!! Julia’s program covers so many topics I didn’t think about that can contribute to weight loss. Health Accelerator is about learning how to manage your weight for the rest of your life, giving you permission to eat the foods you like and to not throw it all away if you have a bad day. Julia is a very kind and compassionate person who shares her own real life struggles that are relatable too
I'm so glad I made this investment of working with Julia. She is so knowledgeable about the science of all things nutrition. Her program sets you up for success by giving you all the knowledge and tools you need to meet whatever your goals are while not feeling deprived. I'm excited to start a second round with her group coaching program to continue teaching my goals.
I wanted to say THANK YOU for helping me achieve the body I had on my wedding day. I felt like ME and I felt so happy. I didn't feel deprived or tired or like I was wasting away. I felt STRONG and HEALTHY! I felt the way I have dreamed of feeling in my body but never knew would be possible. Thank you for giving me the space and tools to get there and I can't wait for more!
The biggest impact to my life since starting coaching has been my relationship with food and my body. She has helped me see what really matters and she's helped me tune into my body in ways that I haven't been able to before. I love how holistic she is. She has helped me build sustainable and lasting important habits that have helped me prioritize myself and it's been such a massive impact to my well-being.
As someone who wants results of a quick fix, having feedback on my actions has helped me satisfy the itch for progress... the reminder that everything takes time has been so helpful to me!
Yes!!! Every Thursday at 2pm ET. It will be a blend of teaching & hot seat coaching!
Not a problem! They will be recorded! I'll review a bit of the highlights from the content for 1/3 of the call, 1/3 to review your reflections from the weekly workbook, and then 1/3 will be just Q&A. The call will be recorded and added to the portal
Yes! It’s gonna be so good. In between calls, we'll have an ongoing group text thread on Voxer - it's a messaging app that is kind of like iMessage. You will have direct access to chat with all the other ladies and share recipes, motivations, struggles etc! We will really get to know each other. And I’ll pop in at least 1x a day M-F to answer questions.
This group is designed to be community-based so you can learn from one another! You have the option add on a 1:1 strategy & consult call with me during check out but I find the biggest transformations happen on the group coaching calls!
Well, it’s very similar at its core. This methodology is rooted in what I coach my clients on 1:1 - but the real value in You Diet LIVE is getting to learn faster by experiencing the growth that those around you are having. I find that in a group environment, I learn so much by hearing the experiences and questions of others! Participants will not have private 1:1 messaging access to me during this program
This program is $399 for the 4-week live program - PLUS you get access to all of the videos & curriculum for a whole year!!! So you can revisit it, as you integrate all the lessons.
Yes & no! I will teach you how to assess your own macros needs so you can adjust your macros into the future! (plus a SUPER handy worksheet that will basically do all the work for you!!) More importantly, I’ll show you a way of eating that doesn’t require macro counting forever - so you can feel confident picking the tools that serve you best!
Nope! This is completely up to you and my clients never feel pressured to do so.
Nope!! But, I really do encourage it if you are on a body recomposition or fat loss journey. It is SO much fun to look back and see the changes, especially when they’re completely unrelated to the scale!
Nope! I work with many clients on habit-based coaching instead. While macros can be a helpful tool, it’s actually not the only way to bring awareness to how our nutrition affects our health. My goal is to offer you a range of options, though many of my clients do choose to track at least protein and fiber long term!
You’ll have access to our Voxer chat thread 24/7 & I’ll be checking it Monday through Friday to answer questions and help you navigate each week! We’ll also have a live group coaching call every Tuesday at 1pm ET!
Nope!!! During our 4-week live program, you can ask any and all of your questions, no matter what it is. You will have as much access and support as desired.
Oof, this is always the hard part with something new, right? I can’t really guarantee that it will work for anyone - but that’s because I cannot determine your ability to commit to this process today. I will say that every single one of my clients that was ready to put in the mindset work and practice new habits to create change in their lives has succeeded. It can be an emotional and trying journey at times, but that’s exactly why I see so much value in having a coach - I get to be the person who helps you get through those moments, so you feel able to come out on the other side of struggles feeling more aligned to the person you want to come.