The E.A.T M.O.R.E Philosophy: a sneak-peek as to what’s inside the Eat More Membership

The doors are OPEN!!

Welcome to the Eat More Philosophy—a transformative approach to finding the perfect diet for you. If you’re new to the membership, I’m thrilled to have you here! This program is designed to help you create a sustainable, personalized diet that works for your unique lifestyle and goals.

The Two Core Frameworks inside the Membership!

1. The Eat More Method:

This method guides you through four key steps to discover the diet that works best for you - you will get a total custom approach to dieting and health that works for YOU.

For those of you joining in September 2024, the four-week onboarding videos will be live video calls found in the Community. These videos will help you understand how to apply the Eat More Method to your life and how to build YOUR custom approach to the You Diet. Don’t miss out - the first training is Monday September 9th at 2pm ET - join now so you don’t miss it!

2. The Eat More Philosophy:

This philosophy underpins the entire program. It’s not just about what you eat but how you think about food, your body, and your life. It’s about cultivating values that lead to lasting health and wellness. The Eat More Philosophy introduces seven key values that can help you create a diet that’s not only effective but sustainable and fulfilling.

The Seven Values of the E.A.T M.O.R.E

These seven values are the pillars that will support you in your journey to your healthiest life. They’ve worked for me, and they’ve worked for over a hundred women I’ve coached. Remember, your healthiest life won’t look exactly like anyone else’s, but these values will guide you toward discovering what that looks like for you.

  1. Be open to trying new things and learning what works for you.

  2. Cultivate mindfulness in how you eat, move, and live.

  3. Understand that change takes time, and give yourself grace as you progress.

  4. Recognize the importance of physical activity in supporting your overall health.

  5. Take responsibility for your choices and their outcomes.

  6. Appreciate the give-and-take relationship between your body and the food you eat.

  7. Embrace change as you grow and your needs shift over time.

These values aren’t rigid rules or specific tasks you must complete. Instead, they’re guiding principles to help you navigate your journey to a healthier, more fulfilling life. Over the next seven videos, we’ll dive deeper into each of these values, exploring how they can support you in creating your perfect diet.

Why These Values Matter

You might be thinking, "I just want to clean up my habits or lose weight—why should I care about these values?" The answer is simple: the You Diet is unlike anything you’ve tried before. This program provides you with a set of tools that go beyond typical diets, helping you create a way of life that supports your goals and well-being.

In popular culture, the word "diet" has become synonymous with calorie restriction. But did you know that the word "diet" actually originates from the Greek word for "way of life"? 

The You Diet isn’t just about cutting calories—it’s about shaping your entire approach to eating, thinking, and living.

By embracing the seven values of the Eat More Philosophy, you’ll be better equipped to create a diet that works for you. These values are about more than just weight loss—they’re about building a life that feels good, aligned, and true to who you are. When you keep these values in mind, you’ll find that results come faster, and you’ll feel more connected to your body and your life.

Ready to Dive In?

As you embark on this journey, I encourage you to keep an open mind and stay curious. Each of the seven values offers a new perspective on how you can live your healthiest life. And remember, you’re not alone—our community is here to support you every step of the way.

If you’re ready to experience this transformation for yourself, dive into the next video where we’ll start with the first value: Experiment. Let’s begin creating your healthiest, most vibrant life together. 

And if you’re not yet a member, there’s never been a better time to join us. Start your journey today and discover how the Eat More Philosophy can help you achieve your goals.


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