EPISODE 006: What should I do if the weekends derail my progress? with Kaylin Fillippelli


In a diet culture bubble where health and fitness are often associated with strict diets and relentless exercise regimens, the concept of balance can seem elusive. However, in a recent conversation between Julia and Kaylin, the idea of finding balance in health and fitness, especially when it comes to surviving the weekend, takes center stage. They explore how to enjoy life while staying on track with health goals, debunking common myths and offering practical strategies.

Nutritional Periodization: A Game Changer

The discussion begins with the concept of nutritional periodization—a strategy that has transformed both Julia and Kaylin’s relationships with food and their bodies. Nutritional periodization involves varying your diet and exercise routines throughout different phases of the year, allowing for periods of muscle building, maintenance, and fat loss. This approach not only helps in achieving long-term results but also makes the journey more enjoyable and sustainable.

They highlight how adopting this method has shifted their mindset from seeing food merely as fuel to appreciating it as a tool for achieving specific goals. This shift has empowered them to make more informed choices without feeling restricted, proving that counting macros doesn’t have to mean deprivation.

Food as a Reward: Breaking the Cycle

During one part of the conversation focuses on the common mindset of using food as a reward—a habit that can often hinder progress. Julia and Kaylin stress the importance of finding alternative forms of self-care that align with your goals. Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, enjoying a good book, or spending quality time with loved ones, there are countless ways to treat yourself that don’t involve food.

This mindset shift is crucial for developing a healthier relationship with food, where indulgences are enjoyed mindfully and don’t lead to guilt or setbacks. By viewing food as one of many tools in your self-care toolbox, you can begin to make choices that truly nourish your body and soul.

The Power of Planning and Flexibility

One of the standout strategies discussed is the idea of pre-logging meals and planning ahead for social events and weekends. By looking ahead and making choices that align with your preferences and goals, you can navigate social situations without feeling like you’re missing out.

They also emphasize the importance of flexibility and self-compassion. Life is unpredictable, and plans don’t always go as expected. Instead of seeing this as a failure, Julia and Kaylin encourage embracing imperfection and adjusting in the moment. This approach not only reduces stress but also helps in maintaining a positive relationship with food and fitness.

Curiosity: The Key to Sustainable Results

Throughout the conversation, the theme of curiosity emerges as a powerful tool for achieving sustainable results. By being curious about your food choices and using tracking as a tool to shed light on your nutrition, you can make more informed decisions that align with your goals.

Rather than viewing tracking as a restrictive practice, Julia and Kaylin suggest using it as a way to learn more about how different foods fit into your day. This knowledge empowers you to make choices that you truly enjoy, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling approach to nutrition.

Embracing Balance in Your Nutrition Journey

In summary, the conversation between Julia and Kaylin offers valuable insights into how to find balance in health and fitness, especially during weekends and social events. By adopting a life-first approach, breaking the mindset of using food as a reward, and embracing flexibility and curiosity, you can achieve sustainable results without sacrificing the joy of living.

Remember, the journey to health and fitness is not about perfection—it's about finding what works for you, being kind to yourself, and enjoying the process. So the next time you’re faced with a weekend full of social events, take a deep breath, plan ahead, and know that you have the tools to navigate it with confidence and ease.

PS. In case you’re wondering… I did use a little AI robot to help me summarize the podcast episode and help me write this blog post… how cool is that?!!


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