A Dexa Scan Told Me I Lost Muscle
5 Things to Consider When Pre-Logging Your Macros Feels Hard AF
Where to start with getting healthier:
Do your habits match your goals?
2 Strategies for Stress & Overwhelm (because I get it!!)
5 ways I am staying on track while traveling to a wedding this weekend
Body acceptance… is it possible for you? (plus, 4 journal prompts)
exploration of body positivity movement versus body neutrality as a concept; I include 4 journal prompts to consider if you’re struggling with the constant pressure to change. Even on a weight loss journey, body neutrality can be the most helpful to keep your mindset at peace.
What is in your control and what isn’t? (a journal prompt)
Does consistency require perfection?
HELP! What do I do if the scale is up this morning?
What to do when the scale goes up overnight
Why Shame Doesn’t Work
Personal story about overcoming shame