6 benefits of walking (and a challenge for you!)

The secret to fat loss? Walking.

It’s not sexy. 

It’s not exclusive.

It doesn’t cost a lot of money. 

But it’s honest to goodness, the very best thing you can do for you if you want to kick start your fat loss journey. 

Hand to bible -> increasing my steps changed my ability to manage my weight immensely!

And now? In a calorie deficit, I’ve increase my steps by just about ~2k a day and already feeling the impact, while still in a less than 20% deficit (Benefit 1!)

Other benefits of walks?

  • MOOD ENHANCING! Seriously, I will give you $10 if a walk doesn’t improve your mood. This study found that 10-minute walks were proven to improve mood.

  • INSULIN SENSITIVITY! When we move our body has more opportunities to utilize the glucose floating around in our bodies via this activity, especially after a meal!!

  • STRESS REDUCTION! See point 1!

  • IMPROVE YOUR CARDIO! Depending on how fast you walk, it also has a range of benefits to heart health!

  • IMPROVE BALANCE! Did you know when you take a step, you’re technically balancing on the other foot for a quick moment in time? It’s a great way to increase your mobility and overall balance.

So my challenge for you this week is simple: Take FIVE 15-minute walks on top of your regular movement and activity for the week.

This would be LESS than 1% of your week. Seriously. 

75 minutes total this week. (And reminder that there are 10,080 minutes in a week)

That’s it! 

Then, I want you to DM me a week from today and tell me how it felt, deal? (Find me at @eatmorewithjulia on IG!!)


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